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The Executive Board may award an Honorary Lifetime Membership to a person who has been a member for a significant number of years and made notable contributions to the Association during that time.

Honorary Lifetime Membership will also be awarded to those who have served as President of the Association. A person may receive Lifetime Membership only at the time of his/her resignation or retirement or following either of these events.

All honorary Members are exempt from paying dues, but are required to pay conference fees. They shall not vote or be deemed part of a quorum at any meeting of the Association and shall not be a member of the Board of Directors. Any Honorary Lifetime Member who returns to regular membership status will have their Honorary Lifetime Membership placed on hold until they resign or retire again.

Nomination Information

For more information on the Honorary Lifetime Member nomination process, please reach out to

Honorary Lifetime Member Award Recipients

2023 - Ave Miller, Gwinnett Technical College

2022 - Diane Fennig, formerly with Kennesaw State University by way of Georgia State University and Augusta College

2020 - Vicki Hardin, University of West Georgia

2020 - Charlene Leach, Mercer University

2018 - Patrick Ivey, formerly with Central Georgia Technical College

2015 - Dr. Angelyn Hayes, formerly with Clayton State University

    2015 - Glorya Williams, formerly with Albany State University

    2014- Lucylle Shelton, formerly with Chattahoochee Technical College

    2012 - Wanda McGukin, formerly with University of West Georgia

    2011 - Dr. Karen (K.C.) Curtis, formerly with West Central Technical College

    2008 - Bill Woolery, formerly with Georgia State Robinson College of Business

    2008 - Beverly Kirchner, formerly with North Georgia College & State University

    2007 - Joan McElroy, formerly with Clayton State University

    2006 - Bruce Brewer, formerly with University of West Georgia

    2006 - Regenia Doyle, formerly with Southern Polytechnic State University

    2004 - Barry O. Shiflet, III, formerly with Georgia State University

    2003 - Rosita Jackson, formerly with Georgia Institute of Technology

    2001 - Hank Griffith, formerly with Georgia College & State University

    2001 - Katherine Nobles, formerly with Oglethorpe University

    2001 - Brenda Cunningham, formerly with Georgia State University

    2001 - Carl Nolley, formerly with Georgia State University

    2000 - Peggy A. Gardner, formerly w/ Clayton State University

    1999 - John Hannabach, formerly with Georgia Institute of Technology

    1998 - Susan Kent, formerly with The Southern Company

    1997 - Tony Hamilton, formerly with FDIC

    1997 - Lovell Lemons, formerly with Georgia State University

    1997 - Jerry Morgan, formerly with Georgia Department of Transportation

    1997 - Tony Patton, formerly with UPS Regional Human Resources

    1994 - Stuart McGarity, formerly with The University of Georgia

    1994 - Henry Y. McCord, IV, formerly with McCord Partners

    1994 - Maxine M. Hess, formerly with Mercer University – Atlanta Campus

    1994 - Mary Carmichael, formerly with North Georgia College

    1993 - Deborah Waller, formerly with Bellsouth

    1993 - Doug McKelvey, formerly with Southwire Company

    1993 - Jack “Terry” McCready, Jr., formerly with Atlanta Gas Light Company

    1993 - Harold L. Christopher, formerly with Gold Kist, Inc.

    1993 - Dr. William Bellamy, formerly with North Georgia College

    1992 - Ben L. Upchurch, Sr., formerly with Georgia State University

    1992 - Paul V. Smith, formerly with Southern Polytechnic State University

    1992 - Jack Morgan, formerly with Barnett Bank

    1992 - Harold Hall, formerly with Georgia State Merit System

    1990 - Don Harbuck, formerly with Georgia Power Company

    1990 - Ora Jane Sawyer, formerly with Georgia Southwestern

    1989 - Lee Anne Seawell, formerly with The University of Georgia

    1989 - Barbara Blazer, formerly with Oglethorpe University

    1982 - B. Ralph Hendrix

    1980 - Ione M. Murphy,  formerly with Agnes Scott College

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