GACE and the Professional Development Committee are excited to launch a Learning Series for “Young Professionals”. The focus will be on a variety of topics meant specifically to enhance the development of young professionals and anyone looking to expand their leadership reach. Whether you are a College or Employer member, you won’t want to miss these conversations meant to inspire, create meaningful connections with other members and challenge your professional “comfort zone”.
These virtual conversations are scheduled the 2nd and 4th Fridays in February and March from 12pm – 1pm. The first of the series is scheduled for February 12th and will focus on “Podcasts to Propel Young Professionals: Analyzing your Work Life – Examining Authenticity in the Workplace and Effective Networking Practices”.
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Led by Michael Dutcher, Corporate Relations Manager, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology and GACE Past President 2013-2014
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