This is a Member Hosted Event
Georgia State University Robinson College of Business Graduate Career Advancement Center

Robinson Graduate Career Connections
Wednesday, March 6, 2024| 3:00PM - 6:00PM
GSU Robinson College of Business Buckhead
3348 Peachtree Rd. NE
12th Floor Lounge
Atlanta, GA 30324
United States
Are you a recruiter, hiring manager, or program leader seeking to recruit experienced-hire talent for roles open now or in the future?
Career Connections is perfect if you want graduate business students in your applicant pool for positions, open now or in the future. I hope you’ll join us March 6th in-person at Robinson's Buckhead campus from 3-6pm for this event!
Our students are studying nearly every business function, and generally have 3-5 years of experience. They are MBAs and masters’ students in accounting, actuarial science, commercial real estate, data science and analytics, finance, health administration, hospitality management, information systems, international business, marketing, quantitative risk analysis, supply chain, and taxation. Our students are seeking opportunities year-round and do not conform to typical university recruitment cycles.
If this graduate-level talent aligns with your organization, please register to participate in this targeted networking and recruitment exclusive to Robinson graduate business students.
This is for Georgia State University Robinson College of Business Graduate Career Advancement Center students only